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For this interview it was a duo, so we didn't have a camera person. My questions could have been better, in all honesty for this interview I was kind of delusional because I was so sick.  If I could do it over I would have asked more specific questions about her dance team since that seemed to be an area in which she lit up when she talked about it. Wish I could say more about this interview but it was a blur. I will say that I enjoyed editing this film!!


Being interviewed was even worse. I don't recall saying anything of what I said and I look so weak. Carrie did a nice job, it wasn't really her fault at all, I was just unpleasantly sick.

For this interview, I was taking a superlative picture so I was a little late. This was basically just two people, meaning no camera operator. I could have done a better job at not reacting to her responses, a couple times I laughed and that isn't very proffesional. I like the way the camera is angled, Grace looks really good but whoever set up the camera did chop part of her head off which isn't ideal. For the next interview or news report I want to be there for the whole process and have the right amount of people. I didn't get to add B- roll, I ran out of time.

13 Days is a documentary is about how the United States government reacted to the knowledge that Russia placed missiles in Cuba. The documentary gives you an inside peek of the complexity of the White House and the differing in opinions between different powers. Some believe peace is the answer until there is no other option while others choose violence as soon as they can.


I thought this documentary was really strongly executed. It followed a storyline and a really interesting time in history and really created a film that was easy to follow. I was engaged the whole time and I also truly feel like I learned a lot. One thing I will say is that I had a hard time at certain points figuring out who was who in the film because there were people who looked so similar. While no one is truly at fault for this, maybe there could be a way to focus the camera so that the distinction between characters was clearer. I also found the choice in colors interesting, the colors used in this documentary were all very toned down and dull almost, I think this helped add to the idea that this was a historic event that didn’t happen all that recently. I also found it very interesting how it is clearly filmed from the perspective of Americans. While Russia tends to cause the U.S  a good amount of grief, they are portrayed as the villain. When watching this film I was more focused on the story being told, and not as much on everything that went into it. I had a hard time focusing on that, but in a way I think that helps speak highly of the film. I think in order for me to truly analyze a film, it would have to be a bad film that I had a hard time engaging with. Despite this thoughtt I will be more observant next time because I would rather watch good films so I can learn what to do, instead of watching bad films to learn what not to do. With that said, I think both have their value.


I would highly recommend this film to anyone who is interested in history or government, but even if you aren't it is still a super interesting film to watch simply for entertainment. Coming from someone who is super interested in politics I truly found this film fascinating, this documentary made me feel like I was getting a inside peek of how our government functions. When Kennedy and Congress disagree on what actions should be taken, I felt like it was such a great example of the complexity of decisions that the federal government is responsible for. The producer did a great job at making you feel the weight of the decision on the president and the impact this decision would have on the nation as a whole.






I really enjoy being on Camera. Both Matthew and Grace were a great tag team. I felt comfortable and Matthew asked good questions. It was an overall positive experience. I need to tilt my head down more so I don't have a double chin. It's proving to be a pattern in both the interviews of me.

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